Alte stiri din categoria: BANCI

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BNR nu poate interzice bancilor acordarea de credite in franci elvetieni

Banca Nationalã a României (BNR) nu poate sã interzicã bãncilor comerciale sã dea credite în franci elvetieni, care se pot dovedi scumpe pe termen lung, însã ar fi de dorit ca bãncile sã renunte singure sã le mai acorde, a declarat viceguvernatorul BNR, Cristian Popa. "Francul elvetian poate fi detalii


Cristian Popa: Banii fierbinti din economie au scazut la jumatate fata de anul trecut

Valoarea banilor fierbinti (hot money) jucati în economia româneascã s-a redus la mai putin de jumãtate fatã de nivelul maxim atins anul trecut, de circa 3 miliarde euro, a declarat joi, pentru NewsIn, viceguvernatorul BNR Cristian Popa. La sfârsitul anului trecut, guvernatorul BNR, Mugur Isãrescu, declarase cã valoarea totalã a "banilor fierbinti" jucati în economia româneascã de investitorii strãini de portofoliu nu a depãsit în niciun moment 3 miliarde euro, dar este dificil de evaluat cu exactitate. În mai 2007, Cristian Popa declarase cã valoarea capitalurilor "cu potential speculativ" ale nerezidentilor care se aflã în depozite la vedere în bãnci din România însuma, la acea datã, aproximativ 2,5 miliarde euro. Câstigurile bune obtinute în România ar putea stimula bãncile detalii


EBRD President Lemiere stepping down after eight years

EBRD President Jean Lemierre said on Sunday there was ever more need now for the high quality investments of a strong European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as financial and economic risks increased around the world, said EBRD in a press release. Speaking to the Bank’s Board of Governors in Kiev as he prepares to step down after two full terms as President, Mr Lemierre looked back on profound and successful changes in the EBRD region over the years since the collapse of communism. The prospects were positive but turbulent financial markets and increased investor hesitancy also gave rise for caution. “Once again, difficult times are a reminder of the need for a strong EBRD as a committed investor with high standards,” Mr Lemierre said. Volatility might detalii


EBRD in € 72 million credits to Raiffeisen subsidiaries

Raiffeisen Bank Aval, the second-largest bank in Ukraine, will receive a 32 million euros mortgage loan to finance local residential mortgage loans, said the bank in a statement. The loan will provide long-term financing to Raiffeisen Bank Aval for on-lending to individuals for purchasing, building, renovating, repairing and re-mortgaging residential property in Ukraine. An additional 300,000 euros in technical cooperation funds for administrative capacity building will be provided by the Canadian International Development Agency. Raiffeisen Bank Bosna i Hercegovina, also the second-largest bank in the country, will receive 30 million euros to continue to focus on SMEs located across the country, taking advantage of its sizeable regional network, and to increase the availability detalii



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