Stiri din eticheta: Certinvest

EBRD is considering a senior loan to Credit Europe Bank Romania

The EBRD is considering a senior loan to Credit Europe Bank (Romania) SA in the amount of up to EUR 40 million. The financing will be used for on-lending to eligible private micro, small and mediumsized enterprises (MSMEs) in Romania. The loan facility will support the business detalii

Banca Carpatica financial results for Q3 2016: 37.3 mil. RON loss

BANCA COMERCIALA CARPATICA  For the first 9 months of 2016 (Q316) the bank reached the budgeted target in terms of total operating revenue (+1%), despite the fact that the value of the operating revenues is with -14% below the level of detalii

Banca Carpatica ofera 0,0896 lei/actiune BCC pentru actionarii care vor sa se retraga inainte de fuziunea cu Patria Bank

Banca Carpatica aorda, la cerere, in conditiile art. 134 si art. 103 din Legea nr. 31/1990 privind societatile, dreptul de retragere a actionarilor care nu vor vota in favoarea aprobarii fuziunii cu Patria Bank, a anuntat banca. Pretul de retragere a actiunilor a fost stabilit de detalii

Bancpost decreases the down payment for mortgage loans

Bancpost identified solutions for decreasing the down payment required for mortgage loans to a minimum of 25% for RON loans and 35% for EUR loans, said the bank in a statement. The new lending criteria are applied for loans amounting to maximum 150,000 EUR, with life insurance attached detalii


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