Stiri din eticheta: Certinvest

EBRD provides a €15 million loan to the city of Iasi for the acquisition of 50 new buses

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a €15 million loan to the city of Iasi for the acquisition of 50 new buses with low carbon emissions. The introduction of the new vehicles will support the upgrade of public transport in Romania’s second detalii

European Banking Authority (EBA) published the report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its ninth report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector, said EBA in a statement. The report is accompanied by the EBA's 2016 transparency exercise, which provides essential data, in a comparable and accessible format, detalii

Programul de garantare a creditelor pentru IMM-uri a fost un esec: in trei ani s-au utilizat doar 1,2% din fondurile alocate de stat

Un program initiat de fostul guvern Ponta in urma cu trei ani prin care creditele pentru capital de lucru acordate de banci IMM-urilor erau garantate de stat in proportie de 50% din valoarea finantarii, la fel ca in cazul programului Prima Casa, s-a dovedit un esec. Dupa trei ani de la detalii

Unde si cum se platesc dividendele pentru actiunile la Banca Transilvania (TLV)?

"Unde se platesc dividendele pentru actiunile Banca Transilvania (TLV), si daca se prescriu, actionarii ar trebui informati personal prin posta sau E-mail?", intreaba un cititor al site-ului Dividendele pentru actiunile TLV se platesc fie prin transfer intr-un cont al detalii


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