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National Bank of Romania foreign exchange reserves: EUR 34,242 million

On December 31st, 2016, the National Bank of Romania’s foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR 34,242 million, compared to EUR 34,387 million on November 30th, 2016 and to EUR 32,238 million on December 31st, 2015, according to a bank statement. During the month, the following flows detalii

National Bank of Romania (NBR) Board decisions on monetary policy

National Bank of Romania (NBR) Board decisions on monetary policy (press release): In its meeting of 4 November 2016, the Board of the National Bank of Romania (NBR) decided the following: - to keep unchanged the monetary policy rate at 1.75 percent per detalii

National Bank of Romania decisions on monetary policy issues

NBR Board decisions on monetary policy issues (press release): In line with expectations, the annual inflation rate added 0.6 percentage points against the previous month to -0.2 percent in August 2016. The annual inflation rate remaining in negative detalii

Rezervele valutare ale BNR au crescut la 32,6 milliarde lei

Rezervele internaţionale – iulie 2016 (comunicat BNR): La 31 iulie 2016, rezervele valutare la Banca Naţională a României se situau la nivelul de 32.659 milioane euro, faţă de 31.729 milioane euro la 30 iunie 2016. În cursul lunii au avut detalii


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