Stiri din eticheta: mobile banking

Open Banking report

Open Banking, in this document at least, is used as a general term to describe two new pieces of regulation: the Competition and Market Authority’s (CMA’s) ‘Open Banking remedy’ and the European Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2). PSD2 covers all payments detalii

Noile pachete de cont curent ale Raiffeisen sunt mai slabe decat oferta ING

Raiffeisen Bank isi face reclama in prezent la noile pachete de cont curent pentru persoane fizice, cu o serie de gratuitati la comisioane, precum cel de retragere a banilor de pe card la bancomatele oricarei banci romanesti. Sa vedem insa cat de avantajoasa este oferta bancii, in comparatie cu detalii

Incidentul de la ING, care a afectat peste noua ore sistemul informatic al bancii, ramane un secret bancar

Toate bancile romanesti au sedii secundare de procesare a bazelor de date (data center) situate in locatii diferite de cele in care-si desfasoara activitatea principala, astfel incat, in situatii de catastrofe naturale sau alte accidende grave, precum incendii sau inundatii, sa-si poata contina detalii

Security of mobile payments and digital wallets - ENISA report

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) published a report on security of mobile payments and digital wallets. (see the document attached) The primary objective of this paper is the production of guidelines to assist mobile payment developers and mobile detalii


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