Stiri din eticheta: internet banking

Selfie banking

We have perfected the art of the selfie. As the Selfie Capital of the World, taking selfies comes naturally to us Filipinos – we pose endlessly in front of our smartphones to express ourselves, commemorate an occasion, boast of an achievement, or simply show the world what we are up to detalii

India first mobile banking application for rural customers

ICICI Bank Ltd., India’s largest private sector bank by consolidated assets, announced the launch of a unique mobile banking app for rural customers that allow them to access banking services as well as information on agri services. Anyone including non-ICICI Bank customers can also detalii

How can APIs (Application Programming Interface) standardisation be achieved in the context of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD)?

In less than a year the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) will be implemented in European Union (EU) Member States, and the acronym ‘API’ is on the minds of Payment Service Provider (PSP) professionals. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are considered key to the detalii

Raiffeisen Bank estimeaza pierderi de 27 milioane euro pentru cazurile de dare in plata a creditelor ipotecare

Raiffeisen Bank a estimat ca va inregistra pierderi de 27 milioane euro din cauza legii privind darea in plata. In acelasi timp, banca a implementat o noua metodologie de provizionare mai avansata si aliniata tendintelor actuale de reglementare si contabilitate, cu un impact negativ in costul detalii


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