Stiri din eticheta: tehnologii bancare

Digital Base Money: an assessment from the ECB’s perspective

Speech by Yves Mersch, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at the Farewell ceremony for Pentti Hakkarainen, Deputy Governor of Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank, Helsinki, 16 January 2017   We are living in digital times. The internet and detalii

2017 - a decisive year for innovative retail payment services

We can look forward to 2017 being a year of decisive action for innovation in retail payments. The main deliverables at the consumer end of the payments chain are pan-European instant payment solutions and a service for (person-to-person) mobile payments using the mobile phone number as a proxy detalii

Security of mobile payments and digital wallets - ENISA report

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) published a report on security of mobile payments and digital wallets. (see the document attached) The primary objective of this paper is the production of guidelines to assist mobile payment developers and mobile detalii

EBRD selects a company to provide a visual analytics platform

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) intends to select a suitably qualified company capable of providing a visual analytics platform. Interested companies are hereby invited to submit responses to the Request for Proposalss (RFP). The RFP documentation can be detalii


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