Stiri din eticheta: comisioane card

UniCredit launches placement of Pekao Equity-Linked Certificates

Further to the announcement today of UniCredit S.p.A. ("UniCredit" or the "Issuer") having entered into an agreement for the disposal of a stake equal to 32.8 per cent of Bank Pekao S.A.'s ("Pekao" or the "Company") share capital to Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń S.A. ("PZU") and Polski Fundusz detalii

Macroeconomic report of Romania - Q3 2016, published by Garanti Bank

Outlook – The Romanian GDP expanded by 4.9% in the first nine months of 2016, strongly driven by private consumption amid fiscal stimulus. Nevertheless, trade started already to decelerate in Q3 and this trend will continue for the last quarter of the year. Service sector remains detalii

Romanian GDP growth rate could decelerate to 3.7% next year, said Garanti Bank

Garanti Bank, one of the most dynamic banks on the local market, estimates that GDP growth rate could decelerate towards 3.7% next year, as consumption dynamic is expected to revert to pre-stimulus (food VAT cut, as of June 2015, general VAT cut as of January 2016 and public salary hike) detalii

Topul celor mai puternice 131 de banci din Europa: Banca Transilvania este printre primele 40, alaturi de bancile grecesti, conform rezultatelor ABE

Autoritatea Bancara Europeana (ABE) a publicat ieri rezultatele exercitiului de transparenta aferent anului 2016, care releva principalii indicatori ai celor mai mari 131 de banci din Europa, printre care se regaseste si Banca Transilvania, a treia mare banca din Romania, dupa BCR si detalii


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