Profile Bancheri din Romania

Claudiu Cercel Duca

Director General adjunct

Din 2 octombrie 2008, Claudiu Cercel - Duca ocupă funcţia de Director General adjunct al BRD-Groupe Societe Generale.

Claudiu Cercel-Duca asigură conducerea şi supervizarea activităţii zilnice a Polului Pieţe Financiare, care cuprinde activităţile de pieţe valutare şi monetare, valori mobiliare, asset management şi custodie/depozitare titluri.

Claudiu Cercel - Duca este absolvent al Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucureşti, specialitatea Cibernetică şi al programului de Executive MBA organizat de Asebuss Bucureşti şi Universitatea din Washington, SUA.

Angajat in BRD din anul 1993, Claudiu Cercel-Duca a ocupat pe rand diferite poziţii in cadrul activităţilor de trezorerie şi operaţiuni de piaţă ale băncii: Director adjunct al Direcţiei Trezorerie (1997-2001), Director de Operaţiuni de Piaţă (2001-2007), Director Executiv Pieţe Financiare (2007-2008).

Alexandru-Claudiu CERCEL-DUCA
Deputy CEO - Coordinator of the Financial Markets Arm
Member of the Management Board

Born on 17.02.1968

Domiciled in Bucharest– 1st district

He coordinates the activity of the Financial Markets Arm, made up of the structures: Financial Markets and Securities.

Between 1992 and 1993, he was a sales manager in the field of communications products.

He has worked within BRD since 1993, and filled in the positions of Treasury Officer, FX technical analyst, FX trader, Treasury Deputy Manager, Market Operations Manager and Executive Officer of Financial Markets.

He graduated from the Economic Studies Academy, Cybernetics Faculty, in 1992, as well as from numerous management and leadership training courses organised both by Societe Generale and
other banking institutions: Nomura Bank (London), Bank of America (San Francisco), or the Montreal University and London Business School.

He graduated from the Executive Master of Business Administration - ASEBUSS BUCHAREST / UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, USA.

Since October 2, 2008, he has been a Deputy CEO.

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