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National Bank of Romania international reserves – July 2015

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2015-08-03 14:01

National Bank of Romania international reserves – July 2015 (press release):

On July 31st 2015, National Bank of Romania’s foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR 29,152 million, compared to EUR 30,111 million on June 30th 2015.

During the month, the following flows have taken place:

- EUR 763 million inflows, representing changes in the foreign exchange reserve requirements of the credit institutions, inflows into the Ministry of Public Finances’ accounts, inflows into the European Commission’s account a.s.o.;

- EUR 1,722 million outflows, representing changes in the foreign exchange reserve requirements of the credit institutions, interest and principal payments on foreign currency public debt a.s.o. Regarding the interest and principal payments on the foreign currency public debt it includes the principal instalments on Romania’s loan from the International Monetary Fund with the National Bank of Romania’s payments totalizing approximately EUR 243 million equivalent as well as the repayment of the principal and interest of the euro denominated bond issued by the Ministry of Public Finances that matured on July 29th 2015 totalizing EUR 925.7 million

The gold stock remained unchanged at 103.7 tones. However, following the change in the international price of gold, its value amounted to EUR 3,286 million.

The international reserves of Romania (foreign currencies and gold) on July 31st 2015 stood at EUR 32,438 million, compared to EUR 33,622 million on June 30th 2015.

During the months of January - July 2015, the payments due on public and publicly guaranteed foreign currency denominated debt, direct or guaranteed by the Ministry of Public Finances, totalized EUR 6,437 million and the ones due until the end of the year amount to approximately EUR 1,126 million.


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