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EBA risk assessment Report - December 2016

The EU banking sector continues to struggle with high levels of non-performing loans (NPLs), low profitability and efforts to restore confidence, notwithstanding the steady strengthening of the capital base. Nonetheless, modest asset growth continues, also supported by lower-risk detalii

European Banking Authority (EBA) published the report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its ninth report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector, said EBA in a statement. The report is accompanied by the EBA's 2016 transparency exercise, which provides essential data, in a comparable and accessible format, detalii

EBA announces timing for publication of 2016 EU-wide transparency exercise data

The EBA announced that its annual risk assessment report accompanied by detailed individual data for the banks participating in the 2016 EU-wide transparency exercise will be published on Friday 2 December 2016 at 22:00 Central European Summer Time (21:00 GMT). The European Banking detalii

Profitul sistemului bancar a crescut cu 64%, la 3,686 miliarde lei

Sistemul bancar romanesc, format din 37 de institutii de credit (36 de banci, dintre care 8 sucursale ale bancilor din state membre UE, si cooperativa de credit Creditcoop) si-a majorat profitul net cu 64%, echivalentul a 1,44 miliarde lei, in primele noua luni din acest an comparativ cu aceeasi detalii


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