Stiri din eticheta: ProCredit Bank

Topul celor mai ieftine carduri de debit

Costul unui card de debit emis de bancile romanesti variaza foarte mult, de la 9,5 lei la aproape 70 de lei, reiese dintr-o analiza realizata de, care a luat in calcul ofertele standard (neconditionate de incasarea veniturilor sau de includerea un diverse pachete de produse) ale detalii

Procredit Bank a obtinut un profit de 1 milion de euro in 2016, in scadere cu 45%

Procredit Bank, o mica banca germana specializata in microcreditarea firmelor, inclusiv a celor din agricultura, a obtinut in 2016 un profit net de 1 milion de euro, in scadere cu aproximativ 45% fata de rezultatul din anul precedent, care s-a ridicat la 1,8 milioane euro, mai exact 8,4 milioane detalii

How the Payments Services Directive 2 (PSD2) could affect the banks

The Payments Services Directive 2 (PSD2), due to be implemented by EU members in January 2018, aims to kick-start competition while making payments more secure, according to The Economist. IN BRITAIN alone millions of people make formal complaints each year about their banks. For them, detalii

How can APIs (Application Programming Interface) standardisation be achieved in the context of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD)?

In less than a year the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) will be implemented in European Union (EU) Member States, and the acronym ‘API’ is on the minds of Payment Service Provider (PSP) professionals. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are considered key to the detalii


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