Stiri din eticheta: Noua Casa

Beyond Fintech: A Pragmatic Assessment Of Disruptive Potential In Financial Services

For years Fintech has been the hottest topic of discussion in financial services, with incumbents, regulators, and consumers all asking the same question: “Will small technology-enabled fintech start-ups redefine the way that banks and insurers operate, and upend the competitive landscape detalii

Cum va schimba piata platilor bancare Directiva Serviciilor de Plati (PSD2)

Principala noutate adusa de Directiva Serviciilor de Plati (PSD2) este aceea ca noii jucatori pe piata platilor (firmele fintech) vor putea accesa contul bancar al clientilor pentru a putea face plati in numele acestora, precum si pentru a le furniza situatia conturilor. Evident, doar cu detalii

EBA publishes a Discussion Paper on its approach to FinTech

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a Discussion Paper on its approach to financial technology (FinTech). The EBA sets out in the Discussion Paper the results of the first EU-wide FinTech mapping exercise and its proposals for future work on FinTech.

FinTech has the detalii

Creating an integrated European market for Payment Initiation Services

Interview with Alain Bénédetti, co-Chair of the Euro Retail Payments Board working group on Payment Initiation Services The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) was adopted with payment innovation and safety to the fore. One of its purposes is to regulate at the detalii


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