Stiri din eticheta: Credius

RBI: Extraordinary General Meeting approves merger with RZB

RBI: Extraordinary General Meeting approves merger with RZB (press release): The Extraordinary General Meeting of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has approved the merger with Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB) by a clear majority. “The merger of RZB and detalii

EBA updated Risk Dashboard shows that elevated NPLs and a high cost base pose a significant profitability challenge for EU banks

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a periodical update of its Risk Dashboard summarising the main risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector by a set of Risk Indicators in Q3 2016. Together with the Risk Dashboard, the EBA published the results of a Risk detalii

Unicredit isi majoreaza capitalul cu 13 miliarde euro, printr-o emisiune de noi actiuni

Acționarii UniCredit, cel mai mare grup bancar italian în funcție de valoarea activelor, au aprobat joi emisiunea de acțiuni de 13 miliarde de euro (13,8 miliarde de dolari), menită să majoreze capitalul, transmit AP, Reuters și ANSA, citate de Agerpres. Planul directorului detalii

Finalising Basel III reforms

The Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), the oversight body of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, welcomes the progress made towards completing the Basel Committee's post-crisis regulatory reforms. However, more time is needed to finalise some work, detalii


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