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EBA voices its disagreement with European Commission on PSD2

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an Opinion responding to the European Commission (EC) intention to amend the EBA draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and common and secure communication. In its Opinion, while agreeing with the detalii

Spain will be among the first euro countries to offer the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer

Spain is a frontrunner for instant and Person-to-Person (P2P) mobile payments and it will be among the first euro countries to offer the SEPA Instant Credit readyTransfer (SCT Inst) scheme to customers operationally  by November 2017. Even if cash is still king in Spain, detalii

Topul celor mai ieftine banci pentru serviciile e-banking (carduri si internet banking)

Cea mai ieftina banca pentru utilizarea unui card si a serviciului de internet banking, fara a lua in calcul operatiunile la ghiseu, este Patria Bank, in timp ce la polul opus, cu cele mai ridicate costuri, se afla BRD, rezulta dintr-o analiza realizata de privind tarifele aferente detalii

Topul celor mai ieftine banci

Costul lunar al unui cont curent pentru persoane fizice cu card atasat si online/mobile banking, plus serviciile oferite la ghisee de bancile romanesti se ridica lunar la o medie de 56 de lei, rezulta din analiza comisioanelor practicate de un numar de 20 de banci romanesti realizata de detalii


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