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EBA updated Risk Dashboard shows that elevated NPLs and a high cost base pose a significant profitability challenge for EU banks

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a periodical update of its Risk Dashboard summarising the main risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector by a set of Risk Indicators in Q3 2016. Together with the Risk Dashboard, the EBA published the results of a Risk detalii

UniCredit presents 2016-2019 Strategic Plan

The Board of Directors of UniCredit S.p.A chaired by Giuseppe Vita, has approved the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan, Transform 2019, which will be presented to analysts and investors at the Capital Markets Day today in London. As announced on 11 July 2016, the strategic review encompassed all detalii

Ce vrea statul de la viitorul presedinte al CEC Bank: sa faca profit la fel de mare ca bancile straine

Reprezentantii Ministerului Finantelor i-au scris viitorului presedinte al CEC Bank, in curs de selectie, o scrisoare in care descrie performantele pe care va trebui sa le indeplineasca, dintre care cea mai dificila este aceea de a atinge un profit la nivelul marilor banci straine detalii

EBA risk assessment Report - December 2016

The EU banking sector continues to struggle with high levels of non-performing loans (NPLs), low profitability and efforts to restore confidence, notwithstanding the steady strengthening of the capital base. Nonetheless, modest asset growth continues, also supported by lower-risk detalii


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