Stiri din eticheta: Clubul Bancherilor

Rata creditelor neperformante a scazut la 9,9%, dar restantele de la Biroul de Credit sunt in crestere

Rata creditelor neperformante din sistemul bancar a scazut in noiembrie 2016 la 9,9%, cel mai redus nivel din martie 2010, cand era 9,11%, arata ultimele statistici ale BNR. In acelasi timp insa, datele de la Biroul de Credit (vezi foto) arata ca restantele mai mari de peste 30 de zile detalii

Hotararea Guvernului privind aprobarea normelor de implementare a programului Prima casa (Nota de fundamentare)

NOTĂ DE FUNDAMENTARE Hotărâre pentru modificarea şi completarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 717/2009 privind aprobarea normelor de implementare a programului "Prima casă" Motivul emiterii actului normativ 1. Descrierea situaţiei detalii

Blockchain technology and security - Improving information security in the financial sector

Distributed ledger technology – commonly referred as Blockchain – has emerged as candidate for financial institutions to reform their businesses. The speed and cost of doing business using distributed ledger technology is expected to improve by simplifying back-office operations and detalii

How the Riksbank encourages innovation in the retail payments market

Speech by Ms Cecilia Skingsley, Deputy Governor of the Sveriges Riksbank, at the World Economic Forum, Davos, 17 January 2017: We live in interesting times. At least if you are interested in questions about how financial services can be organized in a society. detalii


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