Stiri din eticheta: BERD

EBRD selects a company to provide a visual analytics platform

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) intends to select a suitably qualified company capable of providing a visual analytics platform. Interested companies are hereby invited to submit responses to the Request for Proposalss (RFP). The RFP documentation can be detalii

EBRD partners with Credit Europe Bank to expand access to finance for Romanian businesses

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing €40 million financing, in three tranches, to Credit Europe Bank, its newest partner lender in Romania, to continue supporting local small businesses. Established in 1993, Credit Europe Bank (Romania) provides detalii

Privat Bank, cea mai mare banca din Ucraina, a fost nationalizata

Guvernul din Ucraina a anunțat duminică seară naționalizarea celei mai mari bănci comerciale din țară, PrivatBank, pentru a evita un colaps al sistemului bancar din aceasta tara confruntata de doi ani cu o criza politica si economica, transmite Reuters. Guvernul nu a precizat care detalii

EBRD voices backing for nationalisation of Ukraine PrivatBank

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD is strongly supportive of the decision of the Ukrainian government to nationalise PrivatBank and to protect the bank’s depositors, both individuals and businesses. EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti said: “The detalii


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