Stiri din eticheta: mobile banking

Consumer financial services action plan

In March 2017 the European Commission published an action plan setting out a strategy to strengthen the EU single market for retail financial services. The action plan seeks in particular to harness the potential of digitalisation and technological developments (FinTech) to improve consumer detalii

Mastercard lanseaza un ghid al produselor financiare pentru copii

Mastercard şi Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) lansează un ghid de ultimă oră cu privire la produsele de banking și plăți pentru minori, se arata intr-un comunicat de presa, in care se mai mentioneaza urmatoarele: Unic prin abordarea sa, ghidul “Plăţi mai detalii

Selfie banking

We have perfected the art of the selfie. As the Selfie Capital of the World, taking selfies comes naturally to us Filipinos – we pose endlessly in front of our smartphones to express ourselves, commemorate an occasion, boast of an achievement, or simply show the world what we are up to detalii

India first mobile banking application for rural customers

ICICI Bank Ltd., India’s largest private sector bank by consolidated assets, announced the launch of a unique mobile banking app for rural customers that allow them to access banking services as well as information on agri services. Anyone including non-ICICI Bank customers can also detalii


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