Stiri din eticheta: mobile banking

Citi Pay digital wallet launches in US

Citi Mastercard credit customers in the U.S. can begin using Citi Pay, a digital wallet that offers seamless payments across channels with card number protection through tokenization. Simply using their existing Citibank online user ID and password, customers will be able to make online and detalii

O noua eroare de sistem la aplicatia de internet banking Home Bank a ING

"A avut loc o eroare de sistem. Sesiunea dvs. a fost închisă." - cam asa arata pagina de Homebank, odata ce te loghezi. De asemenea, sunt probleme cu logarea si in app-ul de mobile, s-a plans astazi un client al ING Bankcare nu si-a putut accesa contul online. “Incerc de o detalii

Spain will be among the first euro countries to offer the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer

Spain is a frontrunner for instant and Person-to-Person (P2P) mobile payments and it will be among the first euro countries to offer the SEPA Instant Credit readyTransfer (SCT Inst) scheme to customers operationally  by November 2017. Even if cash is still king in Spain, detalii

Topul bancilor cu cele mai bune pachete de cont curent

Mai multe banci au adoptat in ultima vreme o noua strategie de a-si atrage clientii, prin intermediul unor pachete de cont curent, care cuprind mai multe produse si servicii, precum carduri, internet banking sau retrageri de numerar la bancomate, la un cost total mai mic decat serviciile oferite detalii


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