Alte stiri din categoria: BANCI

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Guvernul a ridicat plafonul de garantare a depozitelor populatiei in banci la 50.000 de euro

Guvernul a ridicat marţi plafonul de garantare a economiilor din bănci de la 20.000 la 50.000 de euro, a anunţat premierul Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, adăugând că autorităţile române sunt pregătite să majoreze suma garantată sau chiar să o elimine, dacă UE va lua o decizie în acest sens. "Începând de azi, plafonul de garantare este de 50.000 de euro. Dacă UE va lua decizia de a majora, sau chiar de a înlătura acest plafon, suntem în măsură să facem acest lucru", a declarat Tăriceanu. Şeful Executivului a dat din nou asigurări că sistemul bancar românesc nu este afectat de criza financiară internaţională. Săptămâna trecută, premierul detalii

Stirea Zilei

Mugur Isarescu: Politica monetara nu poate fi relaxata prea mult

Politica monetară trebuie să fie adecvată situaţiilor interne şi internaţionale şi nu poate fi relaxată prea mult, chiar dacă România închieie un ciclu de zece ani de creştere economică, a declarat, marţi, guvernatorul BNR, Mugur detalii


Remarks by Chairman Bernanke at the President's Working Group Market Stability Initiative Announcement

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke Remarks At the President’s Working Group Market Stability Initiative Announcement October 14, 2008 Good morning. Before I begin, I want to express my appreciation of my colleagues, Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bair, for their efforts in what has been an extraordinary collaboration. As Americans well know, the challenges evident in the financial markets and in the economy are large and complex, but I believe that the steps taken today will help us to overcome them. Our strategy will continue to evolve and be refined as we adapt to new developments and the inevitable setbacks. But we will not stand down until we have achieved our goals of repairing and reforming our financial system and thereby restoring prosperity to our economy. Over the past year, detalii


The internationalisation of currencies – A central banking perspective

Speech by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB Conference “The euro at 10: The next global currency?” hosted by the Peterson Institute of International Economics and BRUEGEL Washington, 10 October 2008 Introduction [1] Ladies and gentlemen, It is an honour to be here to celebrate the approaching tenth anniversary of the euro. It is a privilege to represent the institution – the European Central Bank – which over the past ten years has watched over the first steps of the euro and brought it up to be the second most important international currency in the world. The euro is now leaving behind its childhood and entering the phase of adolescence. As with many adolescents, it is faced with a common question: “what would you like to do when you grow up?” detalii



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