Publicatie online stiri bancare

Raiffeisen Bank launched a co-branded card with SMURD

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2011-06-24 09:19
Raiffeisen Bank and the Mobile Emergency Assistance, Reanimation and Extrication Services (SMURD) launched, yesterday, a debit card co-branded under the MasterCard signature.

Vladimir Kalinov, deputy president of Raiffeisen Bank’s Retail Division, stated, during a press conference, that the use of the card would result in the transfer, to the account of “Fundatia pentru SMURD”, of 0.5 % of the value of every transaction, conducted at the sellers or online, and 50% of the annual administration fee.

According to Raed Arafat, the chairman of “Fundatia pentru SMURD”, the money thus collected will be used to purchase an intervention plane.

Education, health, sport, environment and culture are the five domains which Raiffeisen Bank intends to support by means of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes. Following an internal polling of the bank’s clients and staff, Steven van Groningen, chairman and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank, stated that 80% of the respondents argued that a bank should back CSR projects in the healthcare domain. This was the starting-point of the partnership between Raiffeisen Bank and SMURD.

Raiffeisen Bank Romania is a first-rank universal bank, which offers a full range of financial services and products to its clients – individuals, SMEs or corporations. Raiffeisen Bank has a network of 540 offices throughout the country, which cater to approximately 2M individual clients, 100,000 SMEs and 6,800 medium and large-scale corporations.