Publicatie online stiri bancare

Profitul sistemului bancar in 2021 atinge un nivel record

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2022-02-05 09:57

Profitul net al sistemului bancar a atins un nivel record in anul 2021: 7,558 miliarde lei in luna noiembrie, depasind nivelul maxim anterior de 6,8 miliarde lei din anul 2018, conform unui prezentari a guvernatorului Bancii Nationale a Romaniei (BNR), Mugur Isarescu.

Extras din prezentarea guvernatorului BNR:

Key features of the banking system

 The financial crisis in 2008 was followed by a process of banking system consolidation, resulting in a stronger position of the Romanian banking sector after 2014; the position remained solid during the pandemic-induced turmoil and subsequent recovery

 Capital adequacy and liquidity indicators are significantly above regulatory thresholds

 2021 was the seventh straight year of profit making for Romanian banks, with the return-on-equity above 13% in the first 11 months of 2021

 The height of the pandemic-induced turmoil hardly left a mark as far as non-performing loans are concerned. The corresponding indicator ticked up to 4.4% in June 2020, from 4.1% at end-2019, and subsequently declined to 3.8% at end-2020 and 3.5% in November 2021