Publicatie online stiri bancare

ANPC interzice Raiffeisen Bank sa includa in marja de dobanda comisionul de administrare a creditelor restructurate

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2020-12-27 07:39

Autoritatea Nationala pentru Protectia Consumatorului (ANPC) a emis un ordin prin care obliga Raiffeisen Bank sa nu mai ascunda comisionul de administrare pentru creditele restructurate in marja de dobanda.

In consecinta, banca a decis sa constituie provizioane in valoare de peste 85 milioane lei pentru acoperirea eventualelor pierderi rezultate in urma eliminarii respectivelor comisioane.

Iata informatiile publicate de Raiffeisen Bank intr-un raport:

Order 280 dated July 9, 2014, received from the National Authority for Consumer Protection

In July 2014, ANCP had issued an Order (no.280/2014) applicable to Raiffeisen Bank S.A., asking the bank to stop the practice of including the credit management commission in the interest margin, on the occasion of the restructuring of consumer loans.

Although provisions describing that method were included in the respective agreements, in the authority´s opinion those provisions were not clear enough.

The value of the provision booked in this respect is RON 82,525 thousand as of June 30, 2020 (December 31, 2019: nil).

Still, at the date of these financial statements, the Bank is analyzing the court decision which in accordance with an external legal opinion, seem to have a significantly smaller impact.