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Bancpost decreases the down payment for mortgage loans

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2016-09-15 15:22

Bancpost identified solutions for decreasing the down payment required for mortgage loans to a minimum of 25% for RON loans and 35% for EUR loans, said the bank in a statement.

The new lending criteria are applied for loans amounting to maximum 150,000 EUR, with life insurance attached and for real estate properties representing the primary residence of the debtor. The reduced down payment will be applicable to properties in cities with more than 15,000 inhabitants, having an active real estate market.

“Despite the risks generated by the entering into force of the “Datio in Solutum” law, we have adjusted the down payment to a level that balances the risk profile associated with the lending products and facilitates customers’ access to financing of residential property. This initiative aims to support the needs of our clients and the further development of the real estate market”, said Ana Popescu, Executive Manager Household Lending.