Publicatie online stiri bancare

Erste Group: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2008-11-11 13:35
The Management Board of Erste Group Bank AG announces that, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, it is calling an extraordinary general meeting to seek shareholder authorization for the planned issue of participation capital.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, 2 December 2008 at 15:00 hrs at the Austria Center in Vienna. The sole agenda topic is the authorization of the Management Board, with consent of the Supervisory Board, to issue participation capital (pursuant to Art. 23 par. 4 Banking Act) in the form of participation capital certificates with a volume of up to EUR 2.7bn.

The participation capital certificates issued will be bearer certificates or registered certificates and may be issued in several tranches, in observance of the shareholders’ subscription rights. This mode of procedure guarantees that the participation capital may be subscribed to not only by the Republic of Austria, but also by existing shareholders of Erste Group or other investors. The terms for the participation capital will be determined by the Management Board with the consent of the Supervisory Board.

All shareholders who have deposited their shares by 26 November 2008 at the latest shall be entitled to attend the extraordinary general meeting.

The shares must be deposited with the company, an Austrian notary public or the main office of any other Austrian bank during ordinary business hours and must kept there until the end of the general meeting.