Publicatie online stiri bancare

Responsible lending and financial education inspire Romanians confidence in quick, home loans

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2012-12-19 17:32
Two thirds of Romanians do not have a bank account, which prevent them from accessing a regular banking loan. An even higher percentage, 80%, say they have difficulties to get money in case of an urgent need, according to a survey published by Provident Financial Romania.

Under these circumstancies, the non-banking financial institutions offers of quick, low value loans provided at home is an increasingly popular alternative.

Especially when these types of loans are offered by prestigious and trusted companies, such as Provident Financial, which has over 100 years experience in Great Britain, under supervition of the authorities and which lend responsibly and transparent, putting a great value, at the same time, on the financial education of its clients.

Granting loans in a responsible manner and suporting financial education help Provident avoid puting its customers in the position of not being able to repay their loans, a win-win situation: customers can obtain new loans, and the company can increas its business and make new investments in the Romanian economy.

"Eight out of ten people surveyed said there would be difficult or impossible for them to get the money for an urgent need, and six out of ten do not have a bank account. In this situation, it is extremely important that banking financial institutions offer a convenient alternative to those who would otherwise be deprived of access to finance. At the same time, lenders must continue to lend in a responsible manner so that customers take informed decisions and avoid situations of indebtedness "said Ivo Kalika (pictured), general manager of Provident Financial Romania.